RevoPoint reached out after the success of the INSPIRE 3D scanner on kickstarter and asked if I would review the Miraco. This 3D scanner is packed with some unique features that set it apart from the rest of the hobby scanner offerings.

I will be doing some more videos with this in the near future but click on the image above to check out the initial review on our YouTube Channel.
If you want to check it out on kickstarter go here
The rough rundown. The Miraco is a self-contained scanner. You can capture and process the points and mesh on the large touch screen. It has a built in 2.4gHz multi-core processor with 16 or 32Gb ram. It also includes over 200gigs of available memory and a 48mega pixel rgb camera for texture/color data. This unit is essentially the combination of the Revopoint Mini and Range/Inspire into a single hand-held unit.
We will be doing some head to head scans in the future with this, the Inspire, some Creality scanners and Shining.